Think Time after Viewing an APEX Interactive Report (IR)
I had someone ask me how to get the think time after someone views an Interactive Report. I think the query below does it.
with page_views_with_previous_view_id as
(select application_id, page_id, apex_user, apex_session_id, page_view_type, view_timestamp,
lead(view\_timestamp, 1) OVER (ORDER BY view\_timestamp desc) AS prev\_view\_ts
from apex\_workspace\_activity\_log al
where application\_id = :APP\_ID
select pv.*,
pv.view\_timestamp - ppv.view\_timestamp think\_time,
ppv.interactive\_report\_id ppv\_ir\_id
from page_views_with_previous_view_id pv -- page_view
inner join apex_workspace_activity_log ppv -- previous_page_view
on ppv.view\_timestamp = pv.prev\_view\_ts
and ppv.application\_id = :APP\_ID
and ppv.apex\_session\_id = pv.apex\_session\_id
and\_id = 2
and ((ppv.interactive\_report\_id = 38006896117622159377) -- if you hard code the ID
or -- use the region static id
(ppv.interactive\_report\_id = (select pir.interactive\_report\_id
from apex\_application\_page\_ir pir
inner join apex\_application\_page\_regions pr on pr.region\_id = pir.region\_id
where pir.application\_id = :APP\_ID
and\_id = 2
and pr.static\_id ='ANTON\_IR\_STATIC\_ID')
(\_view\_type = 'Rendering')
order by pv.view_timestamp desc
Maybe this will help another person as well.