Interesting APEX with dblink issue

We recently ran in to a problem when connecting across a database link to a Postgres database. The query looked like this

select "column1", "column2"
from "my_schema"."my_long_named_view"@my_db_link

It works fine from sql*plus and sql Developer, but when running the same query in Application Express (in an app or in the SQL Workshop) we got this error:

ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: [Generic Connectivity Using ODBC]DRV_QspecDescribe: DB_ODBC_RECORD (189): ; [OpenLink][ODBC][PostgreSQL Server] current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block (SQL State: S1000; SQL Code: 1) ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from MY_DB_LINK

Dave Rydzewski came up with the solution. Shorten the name of the view in Postgres and change the query to look like this (note two fewer double quotes "):

select "column1", "column2"
from "my_schema.short_v"@my_db_link

I'm still not sure what APEX does to make it blow up. I wonder how many people use APEX with a db link to Postgres.